16800 Corel Personal Address Book Root Container 16801 Available 16802 Corel Personal Address Book 16803 Corel Personal Address Book Provider 16804 Person 16805 Organization 16806 Resource 16807 Group 16808 Corel Personal Address Book Entries 16809 Address Book 16810 To 16811 Copy 16812 Blind Copy 16813 My Addresses 16817 The database has been rebuilt. 16818 The database could not be rebuilt. All other applications and/or users accessing the database must be closed before rebuilding. 16819 ncdbms.ini 16820 Backup Location 16821 Address Book 16822 IDAPI.CFG 16823 PARADOX 16824 The address book database is being rebuilt. Temporarily unable to read names. 16825 The address book database indicies are corrupt, rebuild? 16826 The primary address book database in %s is unavailable, switch to secondary database in %s in read-only mode? 16827 Cannot open address book database in %s. %s will be unavailable for this session. 16828 @SYSTEMDISABLED111368 16829 %s 16830 Cannot find IDAPI files. Check Registry. 16831 Can't modify %s table. Table/record locked by another application. Retry? 16832 Record has been deleted by another application while you were modifying it. Add record again? 16833 Record with that name already exists. Try another name? 16834 Congratulations. Database backed up successfully to %s. 16835 Must supply a backup location. Try again? 16836 You have not backed up your database recently, backup? 16837 All other %s windows will be closed in order to perform the backup of the database, continue? 16838 No Database Location specified in WIN.INI. Please add the following entry to your WIN.INI file:\n[Nexal]\nDatabase Location=\n 16839 ANSIINTL 16840 The database language could not be changed. All other users and/or applications accessing the database must be closed in order to complete this operation. 16841 The database language has been changed. 16842 Database language not changed. Operation canceled by user. 18000 England 18001 U.K. 18002 UK 18003 Great Britain 18004 USA 18005 US 18006 U.S.A. 18007 U.S. 18008 Belorussian 18009 Hong Kong 18010 PROC 18011 Suomi 18012 Corsica 18013 Magyar 18014 Italia 18015 Sardina 18016 Nihon 18017 Nippon 18018 South Korea 18019 North Korea 18020 Mejico 18021 Norge 18022 Polska 18023 Espana 18024 Sverige 18025 Confederus Helvetica 18026 ROC 18027 Holland 18028 Nord Holland 18029 Zeeland 18030 Suid Holland 18031 Rhodesia 18032 Siam 18033 Upper Volta 18034 Deutschland 18035 Tadjikistan 18036 Kirghizia 18037 Rumania 18038 Isle of Wight 18039 Erie 18040 Burma 18041 Slovak Republic 18042 Britain 20000 United Kingdom 20001 United Kingdom 20002 United Kingdom 20003 United Kingdom 20004 United States 20005 United States 20006 United States 20007 United States 20008 Belarus 20009 China 20010 China 20011 Finland 20012 France 20013 Hungary 20014 Italy 20015 Italy 20016 Japan 20017 Japan 20018 Korea, Republi 20019 Korea, Democra 20020 Mexico 20021 Norway 20022 Poland 20023 Spain 20024 Sweden 20025 Switzerland 20026 Taiwan 20027 Netherlands 20028 Netherlands 20029 Netherlands 20030 Netherlands 20031 Zimbabwe 20032 Thailand 20033 Burkina Faso 20034 Germany 20035 Tajikistan 20036 Kyrgyzstan 20037 Romania 20038 United Kingdom 20039 Ireland 20040 Myanmar 20041 Slovakia 20042 United Kingdom 39321 Can't find record for address book: %s. 39322 Can't open group. 39323 My Addresses 39324 Backup 39325 The address book '%s' has been deleted, create? 39326 select * from %s t where t.country_text like '%s%%' 39327 select * from %s t where t.name_rec = %lu 39328 select * from %s t where t.cor_rec = %lu and t.cor_type = %i and t.user_name = '%s' 39329 cn= 39330 o= 39331 c= 39332 , 39333 39334 Can't setup custom fields because other user(s) and/or application(s) are currently accessing the address book, retry? 39335 .DB 39336 .PX 39337 .X* 39338 .Y* 39339 Frequent Contacts 39340 Corel Address Book 39341 The database could not be rebuilt. Rebuild already in progress. 39342 Database rebuild not completed. Operation canceled by user. 39343 Rebuilding table '%s'... 39344 39345 Display Name Format 39346 FL 39347 LF 39348 Borland Database Engine not installed. Can't load Corel Address Book Service Provider. 39349 Borland Database Engine configuration file doesn't exist. Please run Setup. 39350 Borland Database Engine could not initialize. Please run Setup. 39351 select * from %s t where t.state_text like '%s%%' 39352 select * from %s t where t.state_code = '%s' 39353 select * from BOOK t where lower(t.book_name) = '%s' 39354 %s@+1 %s 39355 The primary address book database in %s is unavailable. The secondary database in %s will be used for the remainder of this session in a read-only mode. 39356 &Members 39357 Add/Remove %s Members 39358 &Just in this group 39359 %s Members: 39360 Access denied. 39361 Call failed. 39362 Can't create Borland Database Engine configuration file: %s.\nPlease grant read/write rights to this folder and retry. 39363 Network initialization failed. Continue without network support?